Saturday, July 13, 2002

For those of you in-tie-rested in the summer setlist we used at midgard, here it 'tis:
Flesh Feast
Cereal And Beer
Pizza Party
Hands Off My Oreos
Pie Hair Pie
I Want A Big Mac
Deez Nuts
Red Pop
Salad Bar Man
*and finally, returning to the regular set list from the depths of 'sound check' status*
Guacamole Dammit

I had an okay time... as Ian said my drums were falling apart and pissing me off in general. Here's what I had to say the day after in my live journal.
*start quote*
Devilcake played at Midgard last night, and it was total madness... sometimes good madness... sometimes bad madness. During the set up, nothing was unusual. I was back in the corner, Todd to my left, MCB to my front right, Ian... pacing as usual and not really having a set 'spot', Nancy and Steve in front of Todd, and Gourley... I'm not sure where he was... probably putting on his horns. Gourley said 'Kill The Lights' and we were off to the instrumental beginning of 'Flesh Feast'. That song went fine. We were going all out, every one of us. The set list was designed as such, having none of the slower songs that usually are sprinkled throughout the set. This was going to be a straight ahead blitz. "Cereal And Beer" was next. It was during this song that I noticed that the bass drum was moving. Son of a... At the conclusion of the song I quickly got on the floor to fix it, however, my drumset was having none of that. For some reason, the foot pedal just wasn't willing to go on the bass drum. Todd, sensing the momentum was slowing started a fine instrumental using some of his new toys. Thanks Todd for filling in for me!!! And thanks to Ian for helping me as well, lending a fellow-drummer hand when I needed it!!! Finally the pedal was on. I laid into the china cymbal 3 times and off we went on the 'Wienermobile'. That song was FLYING fast! The kids were starting to get into it at this point. The rest of the set was a blur for me since my equipment was constantly giving me issues. If the bass drum wasn't moving, the high hat was falling apart or the snare drum was threatening to fall of the stand. But we all kept jamming and the kids kept moshing. It retrospect, it was a very good gig. Everyone else seemed to be in the groove... even me at times. Ian was all over the place (at least he was when I was looking up). I had a small train wreck on the last song, Guacamole Dammit (!) and I took Todd with me, but Ian pulled us back in for the final note. It was great way to end our run at Midgard Comics. At the end of the evening I gave away a bunch of stickers and the crowd was grabbing them up.
*end quote*

Now bugger off!

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